Friday, November 20, 2015

Update 28

With the excitement of her first day, noting could stop Celeste from following her dreams! Nothing except, not such a great first day. Work was a bit more than she was expecting.

Speaking of expecting, Tricia had some news for Amos.

"Babe, I'm pregnant again!"
"Wow! That's great Trich. I've got some news for you as well. Let's go inside first." Amos smiled.

"So as you know, Celeste has been arranging for me to meet with some influential people, and this week those meetings will finally be happening!" Amos said excitedly.

"So, you'll be going out a lot this week then?" Tricia asked.

"Yes, but the meetings will be less time consuming than my works been lately. So I'll be here for you. And you're welcomed to join me on the meetings."

"I am!?" little Urban exclaimed as he walked up to his parents, "I love meeting new people!"

"Umm, Urban, your father was talking to me. But I'm sure if you ask nicely, he will let you go." Tricia chuckled.

"Oh, please dad? Please?"

"Oh, fine. You can come with me." Amos gave in.

So both father and son went to visit the local monastery and it's occupants, the Sister's of the Watcher.

"Wow! This place is huge! Bigger than our house! Bigger than...than...I wonder if they have any snacks!" Urban though out loud.

Amos smiled. Urban was the most outgoing of the boys. Aunrae was more into, well himself. Like mother like son. And Urban's twin, Chase was very athletic.

The Sisters welcomed the king graciously, and thanked him for his time. After a short meeting, Amos offered to play the piano. The Sister's doted over Urban, and he even got a snack!

The next day, Amos needed a favor from Tricia.

"Only if your feeling up to it, but I really need you to accompany me to my meeting today." Amos said.

"Why? Visiting some old, boring geezers." Tricia joked, "Need some arm candy?"

"Um, no. I will be visiting the Amazons in Newcrest."

"Oh. This definitely needs a woman's touch then. They don't even know your coming right? Alright, I'll go."

"Thanks Babe."

"Hi, I'm Queen Tricia, and this is King Amos. Is this your tribes land?"

"Hello. I'm Creator Ridge. And no, this land belongs to my sister, Rita. But she appears to be off at the moment."

"We...Well. I, I would like to talk with you." Amos replied nervously, "As my kingdom is close by. In fact, it has seemed to grown into this Newcrest area as of late."

"I've notice." Ridge replied.

"Well, I'd like to assure you that it will go no further, and that you tribe is safe. Um. I'd like to invite your tribe for a meal if that's alright. Just so everyone is clear. I will bring my family as well."

"I guess."

So the Forrest Tribe and Tudors had a peaceful meal together that evening. Later at home Amos breathed a sigh of relief. He wasn't sure how the Amazons would take to him, as their costumes were so different. But he thought it went very well. What the Amazons though was a different story. ;)

Meanwhile, Celeste was just getting off work when she got a summons -- to the Galactic Embassy. She was stunned. While it was her growing dream to work at the embassy, her hopes had been dashed a bit when she learned that Sixam did not send an ambassador. Instead, the the whole Royal family of Sixam can to the embassy. It was going to be their second home. Celeste never thought she'd be noticed by King Smis or Queen Ai. But they did.

"Welcome Celeste. I'm glad to finally meet you." Queen Ai greeted, "I've been informed of all the work you've done for the Tudor Kingdom, and I would like you to invite them here."

"You've heard of me?"

"Of course. King Smis likes to know how his people are doing, even when living off world. So when we heard of an "alien" working for a kingdom here, we had to see how conditions were. Finding how accepting this Tudor kingdom is to fellow Sixamians, we have decided to become allies."

With that news, Celeste hurried home to invite Amos to the embassy. The Tudors promptly made their way there and both royal families had a great time getting to know each other. Both also congratulated the other, as both Queen Tricia and Queen Ai were expecting.

Things were definitely looking up for the Tudor Kingdom, as new friends were made and a new baby would soon be born.

Stay Tuned!

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