Finding a moment together Xena asked, "Hans, why didn't you tell me Marcelo was your brother?"
"Didn't want to. Personally, I wouldn't even have him here if it wasn't for my father. He loved Marcelo and me equally and didn't want to deny him an inheritance. He wanted us to share the house. But I've got my image to uphold. How does it look if I so easily except an illegitimate heir?"
Xena gave a quick side glance. For a moment, she though Hans was making a prod at her. Was she technically an illegitimate heir?
She thought this because her father never named her heir, officially. Think about her father got her a little upset. So she and Marcelo decided to take a day trip to Windenberg. They visited the Shallot home.
"Congrats on your daughter Diana."
"Thank you. Her name is Cali, and she is so perfect. Hugo just adores her." Diana replied.
"That's great. I hope Hans will be as excited. He's not a very expressive man." Xena sighed.
"Trouble in the royal home?" Etta smirked. For an old lady, she was still pretty sharp when it came to others problems.
"Mother," Diana protested, "Leave her alone. Your not queen anymore, you don't need to but into everyone else's business. However, Xena, I am curious about you and that charming Marcelo."
Xena blushed but said nothing. Later that evening, Xena and Marcel began the trip home.
Xena thought about what Diana said. Marcelo was quite interesting and charming. When he found some free time, Marcelo would often be off with his dance club. They went to various parties and clubs.
Xena was too pregnant to join him now, so she spent quite evenings at home with Hans. While Marcelo was out one evening, Hans and Xena celebrated Hans' birthday together. He was now an adult. Hans was a celebrated sim. He was sophisticated, calm and collected. But in Xena's mind, he was kind of boring...and old.
Pushing these thoughts aside, Xena finally went into labor. Ever the level headed one, Hans was the most calm expecting father, which helped Xena relax. Relax a little too much maybe. Hans was the first to welcome Prince Gale. Meanwhile, Xena was more interested in other things.
Xena finally took some time to get to know baby Gale once they were back home. Even Nike came to greet her new nephew. But Xena still had her mind on other things.
"Marcelo," Xena suggested, "Can you help me lose some of this baby weight?"
"Sure." Marcelo agreed to train with Xena. With busy days, the two spent their evenings working out together. Xena liked being around Marcelo.
But her duties as queen often distracted her from any further thoughts about Marcelo. One day, Hans and Xena went out for a lunch date.
"Good to be out and about isn't it?" Hans asked.
"Yeah. My grandfather always felt it was good to see what was up in the kingdom personally. He would even go out and perform."
"Yes. It's also good for the kingdom to see us. While this marriage was an advantage to us both, it's good to show ourselves as a couple."
"Wow Hans, you really know how to charm the ladies. Is that all I am to you? An advantage?"
"Was that not all I was to you? Either way, it's not like I haven't grown feelings for our family. I love Gale. I do hope someday we can truly call ourselves a family. I've got to get some work done. See you at home." Hans said as he stood to leave.
One afternoon, Xena and Marcelo sat down in the garden for a chat. They took in the scenery and relaxed. When the conversation stopped, they sat quietly together for a moment. Xena noticed herself getting closer to Marcelo, until the two were side by side, looking into each other's eyes.
Xena wasn't sure what would happen next. But she knew she had a choice to make.
Stay Tuned!