Saturday, April 9, 2016

Update 57

Both nervous and excited, Xena made her way to Marcelo's home. She knocked.

"Door's open!" Xena heard a familiar voice, "We're upstairs!"

Xena made her way up and was surprised to see Nike.

"Oh, Xena. It's you. We were expecting some friends." Nike said, "What brings you here?"

"I could ask you the same thing." Xena replied.

"You can't really. If you cared about anyone but yourself, you'd know I live here. With Marcelo. In fact, we're expecting. And another thing..." Nike was cut off by Marcelo.

"It's okay Nike. I'll talk to her. Xena, the other night I made a stupid juiced mistake, which I told Nike about. She forgave me, and I hope you will too. I did love you, but after I moved out the Tudor house I had to move on. Nike and I are in love now. We are starting a family, so I cannot be with you." 

Xena stood there silently fuming for a minute. She hoped the night with Marcelo was a rekindling of their love. But now, not only did she learn it was basically a one night stand, but that he had completely moved on. 

Xena returned home in a daze. She needed time to think things over. What would be her next move? She had a goal in mind, and she had already dealt her hand. She gave up much for Marcelo, so one way or another she felt she would have him.

Xena wasn't the only one to miss Marcelo. With his father gone, Gale felt he didn't have anyone. So one evening he decided to go find Marcelo. He begged Marcelo to return to the Tudor home.

"I cannot go back Gale. I've got to stay with my family now. But you are welcomed here whenever you want. You are family as well." Marcelo reassured little Gale.

Since it was so late, Marcelo let Gale spend the night. In the morning, Gale ate breakfast with Nike.

"If you're my aunt, and you marry Marcelo then he and I really are family." Gale said as he watched a movie with Nike.

Nike smiled, "I suppose so. Oh, looks like your governess is here. Now, no more sneaking out. You are welcomed here anytime though."

Gale said goodbye before he and Hanako made their way back to the Tudor house.

Gale made frequent visits to Marcelo and Nike. He celebrated with them and excitedly awaited the birth of their child.

Meanwhile, Xena was busy trying to grasp her goals. Firstly, seeing how close Gale was to others, specifically Marcelo and Nike, she wanted to assure the future of her kingdom. So she meet with an old friend and ambassador about an arranged marriage in the future.

That being a long way off, she turned her focus back to Marcelo.

"Xena? What can I help you with?" Marcelo asked.

"Marcelo. I have a proposition for you. As queen, I can make life easy or difficult for you and Nike. So, if you are interested in Nike and your child having a good life, I will proved that. If, you marry me."

"What!? No! What kind of deal is that?!"

"Marry me, or I will make thing very difficult for you. You won't find work easily and you won't be able to take care of Nike or the child. So marry me, and I will take care of them. You have two days to decide. I will return for your answer." Xena smirked and left.

Marcelo did not need the time to think things over. He got in contact with his mother and explained the situation.

"What a witch!" his mother said, "No worries Marcelo. Money is no problem. Your father left us enough. We will simple move to my place in Oasis Springs. I hear things are happening there, you will be safe."

So Marcelo and Nike left that night for Oasis Springs. Marcelo's mother welcomed them to her home. Marcelo decided that he should also marry Nike, so he purposed. Nike agreed and the two eloped right away with Marcelo's mom as a witness.

While things were looking up for Marcelo and Nike, both were unsure what the future held.
Stay Tuned!


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