Relieved to have finally given birth, Olivia went for a relaxing workout at the local gym. Meanwhile, Grayson was feeling pretty confident about his new heir. He even throw a party to celebrate!

It got pretty heated at the party! Our bartender looks a bit worried. The after party got interesting as well, as Gem and Grayson helped themselves to the leftover drinks and let loose.

But before things got too interesting, things took a slight turn...Yep! Grayson got abducted again.

Again, he did not get pregnant, so that was that...But seriously!
Enough of this weirdness...Grayson won't remember any of it at least!

Family time! To bad baby Amos can't join them

When time came to try for another heir, things were not easy...again. Each time Olivia and Grayson tried, Olivia was a little to happy looking when the test came back negative...She must really hate children.

So in the meantime, Grayson checked up on his other ladies, and meet some new ones.

Finally, Grayson tried again with Olivia. This time he went all out, super romantic. Guess that worked.

Our little Amos aged up. Grayson really loves his son, his heir. They are so cute together!

Grayson cannot wait to meet the next little one to be born. I certainly hope it's another heir -- would hate to see this cute family break up anytime soon

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