Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Update 48

"Welcome to Granite Falls Tudor family. It is quite the honor to have a royal family staying here. Wouldn't you like to stay in a cabin though?" the park ranger beamed.

"Thank you, but my girls and I would like to rough it a bit." Harmony replied.

"Ahh yes, getting into with ole Mother Nature herself and all. Well enjoy your stay." he said smiling at Harley, "If you need anything, let me know."

Harmony and Harley set up the camp site right away. Xena made a spot for herself to practice dancing, and Iris decided to look for bugs to catch. They were all enjoying themselves greatly.

Meanwhile, back at home, Urban continued his duties with the Council. It was against council rules toe be romantic with other members, so he and Mae still had to be secretive. When ever they could sneak off together, they did.

The vacation was proving to be good for the girls. Xena was finally enjoying being away from her friends and the clubs. She even made a new friend, Tamaki, the son of an ambassador.

"Can you believe he wanted to arrange my marriage?" Xena moaned, "What century is this."

"You think that's bad? I've been prearranged since birth. As soon as I turn of age, I'll have to meet my 'fiance' and she'll move in with us." Tamaki replied.

"Really? Man, that's tough. At least you're an heir. I might just marry so long as I'm heir." Xena pondered.

Everyone else was also having a great vacation. Harmony was getting back into her fishing skill, as she hadn't fished since she was in her tribe. Harley and the ranger connected and spent time enjoying nature together. Iris was continuing her hunt for interesting critters and trying her hand at roasting hotdogs.

While it seemed like the whole family was off doing their own thing, baby Nike aged up into a child. No more daycare for her. Urban greeted his daughter warmly, and was glad to have her company at home.

"My youngest princess. Your mom and sisters will be glad to see how big you got when they get back. You look like your mother with that hair." Urban hugged Nike.

No that Nike was a child, Urban stayed at home more, and made sure she had company. Mae visited the Tudor house as well, since they couldn't go out now.

Finally the girls returned from their vacation. Longest 3 days ever it seemed. But well worth it.

"Welcome back everyone!" Nike said excitedly, as she came out to greet her siblings and mother.

"Oh Nike, how big you've gotten. Aww, daddy even did your hair like mine." Harmony hugged Nike.

"Nike, come on, I'll show you my new bug collection." Iris smiled. She was happy to have another child in the house.

A couple days later, Urban went to visit Mae, and was met with a little surprise.

"Urban, isn't this great. I'm pregnant. Man, I need to get some more comfy clothes"

"Don't worry about a thing. I'll take care of anything you need Mae."

"This could be your first son! An heir."

Urban was anxious over the next few days. What if he had another daughter? What if it was a son? Finally he got the call from Mae that she was going into labor. They met at the hospital.

"Congratulations Mae." the doctor said, "It's a boy."

"Really? A boy? How wonderful. I've already thought of the perfect name. How about Maximilian?" Mae suggested.

"Maximilian sounds great." Urban smiled.

As the only son of Urban, will little Max be the one, true heir to the Tudor kingdom?
Stay Tuned!


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