Sunday, December 13, 2015

Update 35

While life in the Tudor home was finding it's way back to normal, Celeste's life was taking off! With her new position at the Sixam Embassy, she really got connected with her alien roots. She even shaved her head. She meet and fell in love with another employee and the soon got engaged.

The wedding was held at night at the embassy.

"Congratulations Celeste! I'm so happy for you. I would like to help your new family out and get you two a house of your own. I know it's crowded in the embassy." Amos offereed.

"Oh, thank you brother! If you ever need anything, let us know!" Celeste smiled.

Back at the Tudor house, Harmony was making herself comfortable. With new clothes and her own room, she was ready to be the new housekeeper. Urban made sure she was comfortable as well.

Love wasn't just in the air for the kids though. Amos and Blakely started to spend even more time together. The were a little awkward as a couple, as they were more used to being just friends. But eventually Amos popped the question.

"I don't know Amos. You are my best friend and I do enjoy you. I'm just not sure I'd call what we have love." Blakely admitted.

"I understand. I'm not sure I'll love anyone the way I did Tricia. But you are my best friend and I think you'd be the best queen." Amos replied.

"Well then, I say why not? I will marry you."

So Blakely was moved into the Royal house and even got a royal makeover.

With the household having grown, and the certainty that it would continue to grow, a new house was built.

A few days later, Amos and Blakely got married near the new "pink garden" in front of the Tudor house. In the evening Aunrae II aged into a young adult.

With things back in order in the Tudor house all seems well.
Stay Tuned!


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