Friday, October 2, 2015

Amazon 01

While life in the Tudor Kingdom was hectic, to say the least, far off in an newly developing land, things were a little more simple, or so you would surmise.

This is the Forrest Tribe. It's creator, Ridge Forrest.

Ridge comes from a large family tribe just east of Old Newcrest. She dreamt of becoming the chief of her tribe back home, but as the fourth daughter it was not to be. However, she was strong and determined. So with land still unexplored by the surrounding tribes she eventually set off with her personal slave.

This is Ash. He was brought into Ridge's tribe when they were both young, and they would often sneak and talk with each other. When they became teens, Ash was assigned to serve Ridge and eventually would be her first breeding partner. However, Ridge considered Ash more valuable serving her and the tribe she wished to start, so she has yet to use Ash as a breeder. All tribal breeders are killed after all.

Together they found a good size plot of unclaimed land and set up a camp. The camp featured a well, an out house, a tent, gardening plots, crafting stations and an alter to The Goddess.

Ash set to work with the garden and crafting goods to trade with nearby peoples. It was hard work but he knew the tribe could expand soon and he wanted to help Ridge wherever he could.

Ridge set out exploring the land and meeting travelers from nearby tribes. Down by the land's central source of water was the busiest.

"I am Ridge, from the Forrest tribe. I am looking to take in any ladies who are looking to settle in this area. It is good land with plenty of resources."

Later that night, Ridge shared her first meal as a tribal creator with her only companion, Ash.

"Thank you for doing so much to get the camp ready. Soon I believe there will be more people for you to serve and we will be able to expand even more." Ridge said hopefully.

"I hope so.  We've travelled so far together, I want to help you build this tribe up." Ash replied.

It was against customs for an amazon and slave to be so casual with each other. But Ridge had always been a bit of a rule breaker and considered Ash a great friend and benefit to her new tribe.

But would this break in tradition lead to a hard time gaining new tribe members? Would it even undermine Ridge's authority and law as the tribe grows? Stay tuned!

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