Friday, October 9, 2015

Amazon 04

As the tribe seemed to be growing quite nicely, Zoe proposed the addition of another slave.

 "He's called Gavin. His not much but I'm told he's got good brains. At the least he might make a decent breeder." Zoe presented to Ridge.

"Well I'm not breeding with him...I've already...Well never mind." Fernanda muttered.

"Ash certainly could use some help. At least until Gavin is breed with. Then he must go to sacrifice, as tradition states." Ridge decided, "Get him in some slave attire."

Within the next few days, Ash and Gavin worked on adding sleeping quarters to the camp. A cabin was built featuring a room for the creator, Ridge, and side apartments for the other women.

Late one night, Fernanda went off on her own. She came back a while later with two men.

"So this is the tribe I was telling you about. It's small and very new. They have no connections with any other tribe in the area." Fernanda whispered.

"Well do they know about us?" the older man asked.

"No Fredrick, I did not tell Ridge I was married, or that I had a teenage son. It's not important. She's young and I think we can definitely gain control of this tribe." Fernanda smiled and hugged her husband.

"Now, put on some slave attire and I'll introduce you to Ash. He is head slave here, and will show you the ropes. I'll tell Ridge I've found more slaves in the morning." Fernanda waved Ash over.

"New slaves? I don't think Ridge would approve of this. We don't need much help right now." Ash stated.

"How dare you back talk to me. Ridge may treat you like you are more, but you are just a slave. Now show them around." Fernanda demanded.

"Of course." Ash reluctantly replied, "You two can help with the garden."

After all had quieted down for the night, Fernanda's son, Nate, was tending to the garden. Ash was looking over his work before bed when he caught something in the distance. It was Fernanda and the new slave, Fredrick. They were kissing. Ash was suspicious from the start, but now he was certain he knew what was happening.

"I will inform Ridge about this right away. Fernanda and these new "slaves" must be a usurpers. Loner families who go around and try to take over other tribes, take all the resources and leave." Ash though as he headed to tell Ridge.

How will Ridge handle this as tribe creator? Stay tuned!

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