Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Update 23

Pregnancy was not for Tricia, but she didn't let that stop her from getting out the house. Since Amos took the throne, neither of them stayed in their band from when they were teens. Tricia kept in touch with their bandmate however.

"How's Amos? Never see the guy anymore." Phil asked. (Old band member)

"Busy. As usual. His sister suggested some plan or the other for kingdom expansion. I really don't keep track of international affairs. Now, ask me to throw a party, I'm definitely your queen." Tricia replied.

It was true. Celeste and Amos had big plans for the kingdom, both for within and beyond. Celeste also kept up with her school studies, but was finding it difficult to make top grades with all the work she was doing. However, she didn't mind. She knew she was the smartest in her class, but she also knew the kingdom benefitted more from her brains than the school every would.

In between his kingly duties and musical pursuits, Amos waited anxiously for his first child. He was every girls dream husband. In his spare time he serenaded, took care of, and watched over his queen. He did not even worry about the gender of his first child. While he definitely wanted sons, many sons, he knew if the first was a girl that would just give him a chance to prove he meant what he said.

"Boy or girl, I stand by my pledge to love my wife. I will not disown my daughters, or divorce my wife, for as long as we love each other. And I know I'll always love Trich."

Finally, the day came when Tricia went into labor.
"I don't care if it's tradition...I am not having this kid at home!" Tricia exclaimed.

So Amos was right by her side all the way to the hospital. A quick stop at the front desk, and they were off to the delivery room. All the machinery was intimidating to the soon to be mother, and her husband's panics were not helping. But the doctor reassured the couple and soon their son was born.

Welcome home Prince Aunrae II. May you be the first of many!

Stay tuned!

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